Packing and Unpacking


My mom and I have been unpacking old boxes that were buried deep in closets and corners of the garage, simply to sort through them and pack them up again. Today we found big bins full of our kid crafts and projects. We had a good laugh going through these.


I found what was probably my first written English essay. I decided to share it as the spelling is simply horrendous and it shows just how difficult learning a second language can be. I’ve made it this far though! Bet my writing doesn’t seem so bad anymore….

It took my mom and I a while to figure it out, but here are a couple of words that gave us trouble, along with their true spelling.

“yose” = was

“quald” = called

“adeus” = others

“stayl” = style

“dithit” = didn’t

“tilleud” = tired

“billing” = being


Props to my mom for keeping these treasures. My siblings and I can look back and see our improvements or simply have a good laugh. Anyone else’s mom keeps boxes and boxes of your old drawings and letters?


Today I also made homemade raspberry & peach sorbet. Next time you make a smoothie, freeze it in a big container instead of drinking it. Then pull out the container to thaw for 30 minutes, and use a spoon to scrape out the frozen smoothie. Ta-da! Your very own sorbet.