












It was so quiet on the island, as though we were the only ones there. The water was blue, and the wind was still. We could hear the song of birds and the soft waves brushing up on the shore, but nothing else. The cool, crisp air rolled in and out of our lungs. We were at peace.

“If I had to die right now, it would be o.k.”

It was that kind of perfect moment.

59 thoughts on “Island

  1. I lived in Toronto for 2 years and it is a beautiful city! However, I don’t remember visiting this place. Judging from your lovely photographs, it looks like I missed out on something worthwhile!

  2. Arresting photos as always. And what a coincidence: your latest post is about the destination that Phyllis & I thought of taking on Tuesday, but there was no convenient ferry so we walked west on the mainland instead and I did a post about that. (And thanks for your like on that post, by the way.)

    • I usually use a Nikon D5000 mounted with a 50mm f1.8 lens… The auto-focus on my lens doesn’t work with this camera so that is sometimes a pain… But on the bright side it has forced me to develop the skill to focus manually in most situations!

    • Surprisingly I haven’t met anyone who is actually from Toronto that has been in the CN tower.. Must be more of a tourists thing 🙂

      • I have actually lived in Toronto for four years and you can say I’m from Toronto. I used to live next to the CN Tower, though I’ve never been inside it. So to say, a tourist thing 🙂

  3. Thank you for following my website! I have enjoyed looking around your site. I am from Michigan, now in Nevada. I visited Toronto many years ago and loved it. Such nice people and a clean city. I love Canada!

  4. Damn, that looks cold! Seeing that ice gave me flashbacks of the bad winter we just had here in NYC. I think I shoveled enough snow that could fit into an average sized supermarket.

    Bring on the summer!


  5. Amazing photos Em. I spent some living a Canada a few years ago, mostly in Montreal but Toronto is beautiful. Looks freezing in your pictures – vastly different to what is going on over here in Australia. P.S Thanks for the follow 🙂

  6. Sounds magical. Some moments are truly perfect! Thank you for visiting my blog I much appreciate it. Let me know what you think and keep in touch. I follow you now and will check out more of your blog!

  7. Your follow (thanks so very much for that) led me to you, and I am just delighted! So wonderfully refreshing, no pretensions, just blogging about life as it happens, with great fun photos to help tell your engaging stories. I’m enjoying looking through your past posts and am really looking forward to future ones! Hope it’s warmed up at least a little up there!

    • Thank you so much Stacy, you sure know how to make me blush! Thankfully, it has warmed up a bit up here. The thing with the weather in Toronto, though, is that it’s like a box of chocolate 😉 You never know what you are going to get, really! When I wrote the “Eau d’été” post, it was sunny and I was wearing summer clothes… Two days later we got a big dump of snow. I’m so confused!

What do you think?