Eau d’été

The sun was shinning so bright this weekend that I was able to study out on the balcony in shorts and a tank top. The warm weather even inspired my mom to make “summer water” to help keep my brain sharp and hydrated as I drowned it in Financial Accounting review. This recipe tasted (and looked) so lovely that I just had to share it with you.


Eau d’été

(Water + Mint + Ginger) x let steep for 1 hour in the fridge

I don’t like following precise recipes, and I prefer improvising when it comes to measuring ingredients. Therefore I tend to write out recipes in a super simple manner. If you are not like me and prefer straightforward, specific directions, check out Martha Stewart’s version!


Wish me luck on my final exam tomorrow!

Winter Food + Studying

There is nothing better than grilled vegetables with Sriracha sauce to fight the bitter cold. Hot tea helps too.


What’s on this plate? Spinach, zucchini, onions, mushrooms, red peppers, pumpkin seeds, sriracha


Time to get back to Financial Accounting! Studying is surprisingly enjoyable when paired with delicious food.

Snowfall Adventures

Toronto was greeted with generous snowfalls today, which made the outdoors too beautiful to resist. I grabbed my camera and headed out the door. My escapade quickly turned into a sweet photographic expedition with my buddy Dimos, who decided to tag along and show me around Riverdale.







We came upon a wall in Withrow park that was exhibiting a thought that often crosses my mind.

Though this is a difficult question to face, I constantly use it to assess my present situation and to motivate myself in moving forward. If at some point in my life I answer no, I like to see it as challenge instead of a failure. I like to treat it as an adventure back to yes. It’s the best way to progress.

Are you happy?

Super Quick Pulled Pork Salad

Pulled-pork healthy salad with fresh, local veggies

Healthy pulled-pork salad with fresh, local veggies


– A mom

– Pulled Pork

– Fresh Greens

– Cucumbers

– Tomatoes


1. Get mom to make delicious pulled pork

2. Throw lettuce onto plate

3. Throw pulled pork onto lettuce

4. Cut remaining ingredients and add to plate

5. Eat & study for Statistics midterm

Turned a Cheap File Box into a Funky Bookshelf

paint brush

I turned a cheap plastic file box into a funky bookshelf. I found the box in the Home Office section at Value Village for $2. I desperately needed  some space for school books above my desk, and brand new shelves don’t exactly fit into my budget at the moment.

maple cinnamon latte with almond milk

Before starting any project, it is important to ask yourself these two questions:

1. Do I have music playing? – Having great music to set the mood will help time pass by faster. This is especially important for big projects that require dull, repetitive actions.

2. Do I have something delicious to drink as I slave through this? – This will act as a mini reward/pat on the back every time you take a sip. I made a Maple Cinnamon Latte with Almond Milk, though the possibilities are endless. Tea, coffee, juice, water, pop, hot chocolate, wine, rum… Your pick!

turning a cheap plastic file box into a funky bookshelf

turning a cheap plastic file box into a funky bookshelf

The first step and trickiest part of the entire project was drilling holes through the plastic to be able to hang it on the wall when painted. I am proud to say that after some time, my perseverance was rewarded.

turning a cheap plastic file box into a funky bookshelf

turning a cheap plastic file box into a funky bookshelf

I found some leftover wall paint hiding in the basement. “Special paint for plastic” is probably available at hardware stores but, since the shelf only cost me two dollars, I didn’t see the point of investing in special paint when I already have some at home. And there’s the budget thing. Do, however, feel free to get yourself the right kind of paint for your file box, if you decide to try this project.

One thing I learned about myself during this project is that my paint skills are rather lacking. I managed to get paint everywhere on the tarp, my hands, and my clothes. I am embarrassed to admit that when I went to clean myself up while the shelf was drying, I noticed in the mirror that I even had paint in my hair…

Point is if I can do it, so can you. It is worth the effort in the end. Check out the final result:

turning a cheap plastic file box into a funky bookshelf

I love my folding stand-up desk.

Teenage Dream


I understand that I am seven months too old to call myself a teenager,  but do you agree that an attic bedroom with a patio door that leads out to the roof is a total teenage paradise? If I had this bedroom back when I was still in high school, I would have been the most popular kid in the class! I mean, everyone would want to come hang out at my house just so we could chill on the roof, smoking cigarettes and stuff. (Kidding about that last part…)

It’s still pretty cool now that I’m an adult though. I mean I can just take a blanket outside and listen to some tunes, read a book, drink tea. Charis, Levi and I had a mini photo shoot out there the other day.

Anyone else want to come over?





Also notice that I am wearing velvet almost exclusively here. (If you want to send me a pair of velvet shoes, feel free!) The velvet shirt is from our beloved Value Village, and so is Charis’ cute jean dress. Who doesn’t love recycling clothes and getting a great $deal$ out of it?

Rainy Day Tunes and Nostaligia

Rainy Day

View of the roof from my bedroom

Rainy days are abundant here.

I enjoy them. They are cleansing, refreshing. Plus they are the perfect excuse to stay indoors, listen to music, and drink tea.

I am listening to Aidan Knight, one of my favourite musicians from BC. It seems like my entire high school experience included his album Versicolour playing on repeat.

Rainy Day

Levi also loves the rain.

A long time ago I remember my friend Hayden telling me Margaret Down was his favourite song by Aidan Knight. When I looked it up I found this live performance in the rain, since the song was not yet on an album. I don’t know about Hayden, but years later this is still my favourite song.

There is nothing more fitting for a rainy day than a live performance in the rain by Aidan Knight.


Mango Coconut Slush

This is a super simple refreshing drink that I’ve been enjoying, especially on warmer summer days. I made two different graphics for this recipe and I can’t seem to pick my favourite, so you get two-for-one today! For fun, I added a little poll at the bottom of the post. I am curious to see which one is your favourite, dear 125 subscribers. Feel free to vote!

(A little side-note; these photos are Pinterest friendly!)

Mango Coconut Slush


Mango Coconut Slush


The Really Really Free Market

Cream - Disraeli Gears

On the first Saturday of every month, I will be making my way to Campbell Park to treasure hunt at the Really Really Free Market. It is a beautiful concept that allows people to get rid of things they no longer need and to pick up unwanted doodads for which they wish to give a home. The best part about this market is that it really is free. Generous volunteers supervise the event and help organize the donations that are brought in as the day unfolds, and at the end of the day they take the left over articles to those in need.

The Great Gatsby

I visited the market for the first time last Saturday with Charis. I was smaller than expected, but the treasures were not lacking. We figured out that people keep bringing more donations throughout the day, so the key is to hang around for a little while. After about an hour, Charis and I collected some nice books, clothes, and a Cream record. May I remind you that we walked out of there with all these things for FREE. I love the Really Really Free Market.

plaid vest

Sleeveless plaid shirt from the Really Really Free Market

Zucchini Noodles

zucchini noodles

My new favourite vegetable is the zucchini because of its unbelievable versatility. For lunch we made zucchini pasta. It is so simple to make and only requires a potato peeler to create the noodles. Then they are heated in a pan until soft, and voilà!

zucchini noodles

We combined the noodles in a pan with coconut oil, baby Bok Choy, mushrooms, green onions, sesame seeds, and roast beef.

zucchini noodles

zucchini noodles

Kitchen: Tuna Bites and My First Letter


I got a letter in the mail today! My first letter in the new home. It is from my beloved Charis who is coming to visit me in September… We are going to have the time of our lives!


For lunch, I mixed tuna and avocado and decided to eat it in the form of cute little bites. The recipe is so simple I was able to write it out as an equation. Why complicate things?

(cucumber slice + tomato slice + tuna and avocado + olive slice) x toothpick = ta da!

Good Morning!

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Happy Monday everyone! I would like to share two things about my morning.

The first is my absolute favourite summer drink: Almond Milk Iced Latte. Bonus points if it’s in a mason jar, like mine today.

Second is my marvellous hair. I guess it’s humid in Toronto today. At least Monica understands.

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Packing and Unpacking


My mom and I have been unpacking old boxes that were buried deep in closets and corners of the garage, simply to sort through them and pack them up again. Today we found big bins full of our kid crafts and projects. We had a good laugh going through these.


I found what was probably my first written English essay. I decided to share it as the spelling is simply horrendous and it shows just how difficult learning a second language can be. I’ve made it this far though! Bet my writing doesn’t seem so bad anymore….

It took my mom and I a while to figure it out, but here are a couple of words that gave us trouble, along with their true spelling.

“yose” = was

“quald” = called

“adeus” = others

“stayl” = style

“dithit” = didn’t

“tilleud” = tired

“billing” = being


Props to my mom for keeping these treasures. My siblings and I can look back and see our improvements or simply have a good laugh. Anyone else’s mom keeps boxes and boxes of your old drawings and letters?


Today I also made homemade raspberry & peach sorbet. Next time you make a smoothie, freeze it in a big container instead of drinking it. Then pull out the container to thaw for 30 minutes, and use a spoon to scrape out the frozen smoothie. Ta-da! Your very own sorbet.

Kettle Valley: Trails

Berthiaume (36 of 36)

My cute little doggy and I looking into the distance. I just love these beautiful mountains!

The trails behind my house are without a doubt my favourite part of our neighbourhood. I can walk there for hours at a time. The view is absolutely breathtaking. Most of the trees are burnt; leftovers from the 2003 fire. Some people fail to see the beauty in these trees, but they are a big part of what I love about these trails. To some extent, it is what defines them. When looking at the scenery, you know that the place has a story because you see burnt trees everywhere.

Perhaps you have noticed my new header photo. The other day, the kind Conor Teahen came to Kettle Valley and took photos of me so that I may have a sweet header for my blog. I know what you are thinking: “Silly Emilie, there is no way that the background in your header photo is real, it’s too beautiful!” And I say: “Yes it is real, and even better, it’s basically in my backyard!”

And just incase you can’t get enough of that beautiful scenery, here are a few more photos Conor took of my siblings and me. I have a hard time picking a favourite, but I’d probably have to go with the hair flips.


Berthiaume (3 of 36)



Berthiaume (8 of 36)

Berthiaume (6 of 36)

Theails behind my house are without a doubt my favourite part of our neighbourhood. I can walk there for hours at a time. The view is absolutely breathtaking. Most of the trees are burnt; leftovers from the 2003 fire. Some people fail to see the beauty in these trees, but they are a big part of what I love about these trails. To some extent, it is what defines them. When looking at the scenery, you know that the place has a story because you see burnt trees everywhere.

Perhaps you have noticed my new header photo. The other day, the kind Conor Teahen came to Kettle Valley and took photos of me so that I may have a sweet header for my blog. I know what you are thinking: “Silly Emilie, there is no way that the background in your header photo is real, it’s too beautiful!” And I say: “Yes it is real, and even better, it’s basically in my backyard!”

And just incase you can’t get enough of that beautiful scenery, here are a few more photos Conor took of my siblings and me. I have a hard time picking a favourite, but I’d probably have to go with the hair flips.


Perspective: Kettle Valley Village


The Kettle Valley Neighbourhood in Kelowna (I live here)

Sometimes the adventure is right outside your house.

It is pouring rain and the sky has been growling. I just got home. I decided to go for a bike ride in this weather. No raincoat. Just a t-shirt, shorts, and sandals.

Yes, I got some weird looks. A girl biking and laughing in the pouring rain isn’t the norm. But that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be done!

It was an incredible experience. Rejuvenating. Being the witness of a beautiful phenomena. The Earth cleansing, moisturizing. And I was right in the middle of it.

I try to practice what I preach. I’ve blogged about seeing things from a different perspective. I’ve said that situations are what we make of them. So today, instead of looking at the rain from the comfort of my home, I experienced it.

I appreciated it in a whole new way. I’d encourage everyone to try this. It is a lot of fun.

It makes you feel freeeeeeeeeeee

Rainy days also make for interesting photos!

Rainy days also make for interesting photos!


When I got home, my brother welcomed me with our family's video camera. A bit embarrassing. I got him to snap this photo.

When I got home, my brother welcomed me with our family’s video camera. A bit embarrassing. I got him to snap this photo.

I love rain.

I love rain.

When I got home, I made myself a Rainy Day Salad. I don’t know if that’s a real thing, I just made it up.

Anyways, making it was easy peasy lemon squeezy… Though it didn’t involve peas or squeezed lemons.

1) Sauté some mushrooms and green onions with a drop of coconut oil.

2) Add some red peppers (or any colour you want) that are cut however you want. I diced mine.

3) Cut some left over pork (or chicken, or whatever is in your fridge) into bite size pieces and dump it in the pan.

4) Throw in a handful of spinach leaves. (My mom used to pronounce it “Spynak”… Thought I’d share that with you)

5) Pour everything into a bowl.

6) Mix in diced avocado and tomato.

Done. At this point you can add salt and pepper if you want. I don’t, but I respect your life choices…

Happy rain!


Rainy Day Salad

Bertram Creek Regional Park


Bertram Creek Regional Park Kelowna, BC V1W 4J4

Bertram Creek Regional Park
Kelowna, BC V1W 4J4

For the past three days, I have been enjoying the sun in summer dresses and shorts. Reflecting on the month of March leaves me astonished. The Earth took an opportunity to remind us that we have no control over our environment. We have no dominance over weather. March included everything from hail to sunshine, reminding us that we are vulnerable beings in respect to the Earth.

Sometimes selfies can look cool.

Sometimes selfies can look cool.

The only power lies within ourselves. It is how we choose to perceive these uncontrollable circumstances that allows us to carry on . Predictably, psychologists state that those with an internal locus of control live better lives. These hardy individuals know that a situation is what you make of it. If I am ever trapped in a violent hail storm again, maybe instead of being afraid I will chose to be amazed.

Fresh bread, raspberry jam, assorted fruit, and some brie cheese (brought back from France)

Fresh bread, raspberry jam, assorted fruit, and some brie cheese (brought back from France)

For now the storm is absent and the warm weather is welcome. Bertram Creek Regional Park is tucked away from the city with plenty of trees and beauty. A pile of blankets and flavourful food make for the ideal morning. Though I must admit that today sadness was roaming about, being Janèle’s last visit to Kelowna before Shanda’s departure for a great adventure, and possibly her last visit before I move away. We have no way of knowing how long it will be before the three of us are reunited.





It is important to remember that the power of our mind does not only apply to weather. It is easier to view our separation with eyes of sorrow, but it is more beneficial to see it as an opportunity. We will see each other again someday, and it is clear that we will appreciate it much more than if we lived side by side. It is easy to take people and things for granted when they are nearby. We are programmed to habituate. Being apart will make our visits significant and memorable.

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