Teenage Dream


I understand that I am seven months too old to call myself a teenager,  but do you agree that an attic bedroom with a patio door that leads out to the roof is a total teenage paradise? If I had this bedroom back when I was still in high school, I would have been the most popular kid in the class! I mean, everyone would want to come hang out at my house just so we could chill on the roof, smoking cigarettes and stuff. (Kidding about that last part…)

It’s still pretty cool now that I’m an adult though. I mean I can just take a blanket outside and listen to some tunes, read a book, drink tea. Charis, Levi and I had a mini photo shoot out there the other day.

Anyone else want to come over?





Also notice that I am wearing velvet almost exclusively here. (If you want to send me a pair of velvet shoes, feel free!) The velvet shirt is from our beloved Value Village, and so is Charis’ cute jean dress. Who doesn’t love recycling clothes and getting a great $deal$ out of it?

The Really Really Free Market

Cream - Disraeli Gears

On the first Saturday of every month, I will be making my way to Campbell Park to treasure hunt at the Really Really Free Market. It is a beautiful concept that allows people to get rid of things they no longer need and to pick up unwanted doodads for which they wish to give a home. The best part about this market is that it really is free. Generous volunteers supervise the event and help organize the donations that are brought in as the day unfolds, and at the end of the day they take the left over articles to those in need.

The Great Gatsby

I visited the market for the first time last Saturday with Charis. I was smaller than expected, but the treasures were not lacking. We figured out that people keep bringing more donations throughout the day, so the key is to hang around for a little while. After about an hour, Charis and I collected some nice books, clothes, and a Cream record. May I remind you that we walked out of there with all these things for FREE. I love the Really Really Free Market.

plaid vest

Sleeveless plaid shirt from the Really Really Free Market