Montreal: Walk with the Cousin

I am in Québec for the next few days. Today I went for a walk with my cousin, Jack. We checked out the elementary school that our fathers attended when they were kids. The brick wall was the perfect opportunity for some portrait shots!




Meet Lapuce the puppy:


12 thoughts on “Montreal: Walk with the Cousin

  1. Je do not have pas the ability to communicate en Francais comme les autre peronnes qui are commenting so I will have to rely on my skills in Frenglish.

    Good images, especially the one where Jack looks so troubled. A tighter crop and b&w conversion would that one tres dramatique. (If that’s actually a word.)


    • Haha merci for le feedback! I also agree that a tighter crop would be necessary. Oh well, too late now! 😛 Good Franglish by the way

What do you think?