Moonbean Coffee Company

Before my Statistics final exam, I spent a number of hours studying at Moonbean Coffee Company, located in my favourite Toronto neighbourhood. Even though school is now over, I still visit weekly for a warm cup of tea (usually Milky Oolong or Genmaicha), which pairs up nicely with a good book.

Laurence decided to join me the other day. She studied for an English test. I took these photos and read The Hobbit.

Moonbean Coffee Company

Moonbean Coffee Company

Moonbean Coffee Company

Turned a Cheap File Box into a Funky Bookshelf

paint brush

I turned a cheap plastic file box into a funky bookshelf. I found the box in the Home Office section at Value Village for $2. I desperately needed  some space for school books above my desk, and brand new shelves don’t exactly fit into my budget at the moment.

maple cinnamon latte with almond milk

Before starting any project, it is important to ask yourself these two questions:

1. Do I have music playing? – Having great music to set the mood will help time pass by faster. This is especially important for big projects that require dull, repetitive actions.

2. Do I have something delicious to drink as I slave through this? – This will act as a mini reward/pat on the back every time you take a sip. I made a Maple Cinnamon Latte with Almond Milk, though the possibilities are endless. Tea, coffee, juice, water, pop, hot chocolate, wine, rum… Your pick!

turning a cheap plastic file box into a funky bookshelf

turning a cheap plastic file box into a funky bookshelf

The first step and trickiest part of the entire project was drilling holes through the plastic to be able to hang it on the wall when painted. I am proud to say that after some time, my perseverance was rewarded.

turning a cheap plastic file box into a funky bookshelf

turning a cheap plastic file box into a funky bookshelf

I found some leftover wall paint hiding in the basement. “Special paint for plastic” is probably available at hardware stores but, since the shelf only cost me two dollars, I didn’t see the point of investing in special paint when I already have some at home. And there’s the budget thing. Do, however, feel free to get yourself the right kind of paint for your file box, if you decide to try this project.

One thing I learned about myself during this project is that my paint skills are rather lacking. I managed to get paint everywhere on the tarp, my hands, and my clothes. I am embarrassed to admit that when I went to clean myself up while the shelf was drying, I noticed in the mirror that I even had paint in my hair…

Point is if I can do it, so can you. It is worth the effort in the end. Check out the final result:

turning a cheap plastic file box into a funky bookshelf

I love my folding stand-up desk.